Ibn `Umar narrated that:
When the Prophet (ﷺ) wanted to travel, when he mounted his riding camel, he would say the Takbir three times and say: Glory is to Him Who has subjected this to us, and we were not able to do it. And, surely, to our Lord are we returning (Subḥān alladhī sakh-khara lanā hādhā wa mā kunnā lahū muqrinīn. Wa innā ilā rabbinā lamunqalibūn). Then he would say: “O Allah, I ask You in this journey of mine from the righteousness and piety and actions that which you are pleased with. O Allah, ease for us the path, and make near for us the distance of the land. O Allah, You are the companion in the journey, and the caretaker for the family. O Allah, accompany us in our journey, and take care of our families (Allāhumma innī as’aluka fī safarī hādhā minal-birri wat-taqwā, wa minal-`amali mā tarḍā. Allāhumma hawwin `alainal-masīra, waṭwi `annā bu`dal-arḍ. Allāhumma antaṣ-ṣāḥibu fis safari wal-khalīfatu fil-ahli. Allāhumma aṣḥabnā fī safarinā wakhlufnā fī ahlinā).” And when he would return to his family, he would say: “(We are) Returning, if Allah wills, repenting, worshipping, and to our Lord directing the praise (Ā’ibūna in shā’ Allāh, tā’ibūna `ābidūna lirabbinā hāmidūn).”