Islamic Date Worldwide
The Islamic date today is based on the lunar Islamic calendar, which follows the cycles of the moon. Each month begins with the sighting of the new moon, making Islamic dates subject to variation based on moon sightings. Islamic calendar is widely used by Muslims worldwide to determine the timing of religious events, such as fasting during Ramadan, the pilgrimage of Hajj, and the celebration of Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.
Islamic dates hold significant religious and cultural importance for Muslims. They mark key events in Islamic history, such as the migration of Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina (Hijra), the battles fought during the early years of Islam, and the birth and death anniversaries of important figures in Islam.
What is the Islamic date today?
Today on Sunday, 02 March 2025, Islamic date is 03 Ramadan 1446.
Hijri date today 2024
02 March 2025, Hijri date today is 03 Ramadan 1446 in USA, Saudi Arabia and its follower countries. While Hijri date today in Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh is also 02 Ramadan 1446, with a one-day difference.
Arabic Calendar (Hijri Calendar)
The Islamic calendar or Arabic calendar is also called Hijri calendar, and it is a lunar calendar that Muslims throughout the world use in deciding religious festivals and events. There is 12 months in a year of 354 or 355 days.
How Does the Hijri Calendar Work?
The Hijri calendar hold importance in identifying the dates of Islamic festivals and events including; Ramadan, Hajj and feast of breaking of Ramadan known as Eid al-Fitr. Before ending it also assists muslims from all over the world to maintain a unity in their religious activities.
• Muharram
• Safar
• Rabi’ al-Awwal
• Rabi’ al-Thani
• Jumada al-Awwal
• Jumada al-Thani
• Rajab
• Sha’ban
• Ramadan
• Shawwal
• Dhu al-Qi’dah
• Dhu al-Hijjah
The Muslim calendar sometimes referred to as the Hijri calendar, is the Islamic calendar. There are 12 months in it. Any month's first day begins with a new moon and concludes with the moon's demise. Muslims have various well-respected committees that sight the moon and declare the beginning of the Islamic month. These committees include some prominent Islamic scholars. Our page updates every month as per the Islamic calendar with Islamic date today.
The Muslim calendar sometimes referred to as the Hijri calendar, is the Islamic calendar. There are 12 months in it. Any month's first day begins with a new moon and concludes with the moon's demise. Muslims have various well-respected committees that sight the moon and declare the beginning of the Islamic month. These committees include some prominent Islamic scholars. Our page updates every month as per the Islamic calendar with Islamic date today.