What is the Islamic date today in Australia?
The official Islamic date today in Australia is 03 Rabi Al-Akhar 1446.
Today Hijri Date in Australia?
Hijri date also similar to Islamic date and it's 03 Rabi Al-Akhar 1446 according to 06 Oct, 2024
Today Moon date in Australia?
Islamic date or moon date today is 03 Rabi Al-Akhar 1446, it's starting every month after a new moon sighting.
There are 12 months in the year according to the Islamic calendar, generally called the Hijri calendar: Muharram, Safar, Rabi al-awwal, Rabi at-Thani, Jumada al-awwal, Jumada al-akhira, Rajab, Shaban, Ramadan, Shawwal, Zi-quad, and Zull-Hajj. You can check the complete Islamic calendar of 2023 on our page.
Jamadi ul Akhir is the name of the sixth month in the Islamic calendar. It also goes by the name Jamadi ul Thani. The translation of this month's name consists of two parts. Both "Jamada" and "Thani" refer to dry land. After Jamadi ul Awwal, popularly known as the first dry month, comes this month. You may use this page to look up the Islamic date today in Australia and around the country. On our website, you may also check the Islamic date today in Melbourne, the Islamic date today in Sydney, and the Islamic date today in Adelaide.
Islam places a great value on Jamadi ul Akhir because of its historical importance and regular occurrences. When our prophet SAWW reached 40, His illustrious role as Allah's representative for Islam officially began this month. Fatima R.A., our Prophet SAWW's beloved daughter, was born this month and tragically passed away this month. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq R.A. passed away this month as well.
After Jamadi ul Thani comes the next Islamic month, "Rajab," which is also a holy month in Islam. The phrase "Shab e Mairaj" alludes to the moment when our Prophet SAWW was lifted into the sky on the 27th of Rajab. The Prophet's (saw) noble parents also got married this month. Our page is updated every week as per the Islamic dates of Australia.