Sahih Bukhari 4730

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Sahih Bukhari 4730

Chapter 66 The Book Of Commentary
Book Sahih Bukhari
Hadith No 4730
Topic Commentary

حَدَّثَنَا عُمَرُ بْنُ حَفْصِ بْنِ غِيَاثٍ ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبِي ، حَدَّثَنَا الْأَعْمَشُ ، حَدَّثَنَا أَبُو صَالِحٍ ، عَنْ أَبِي سَعِيدٍ الْخُدْرِيِّ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ ، قَالَ : قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ : يُؤْتَى بِالْمَوْتِ كَهَيْئَةِ كَبْشٍ أَمْلَحَ ، فَيُنَادِي مُنَادٍ : يَا أَهْلَ الْجَنَّةِ ، فَيَشْرَئِبُّونَ وَيَنْظُرُونَ ، فَيَقُولُ : هَلْ تَعْرِفُونَ هَذَا ؟ فَيَقُولُونَ : نَعَمْ ، هَذَا الْمَوْتُ وَكُلُّهُمْ قَدْ رَآهُ ، ثُمَّ يُنَادِي : يَا أَهْلَ النَّارِ ، فَيَشْرَئِبُّونَ وَيَنْظُرُونَ ، فَيَقُولُ : هَلْ تَعْرِفُونَ هَذَا ؟ فَيَقُولُونَ : نَعَمْ ، هَذَا الْمَوْتُ وَكُلُّهُمْ قَدْ رَآهُ ، فَيُذْبَحُ ، ثُمَّ يَقُولُ : يَا أَهْلَ الْجَنَّةِ ، خُلُودٌ فَلَا مَوْتَ ، وَيَا أَهْلَ النَّارِ : خُلُودٌ فَلَا مَوْتَ ، ثُمَّ قَرَأَ وَأَنْذِرْهُمْ يَوْمَ الْحَسْرَةِ إِذْ قُضِيَ الأَمْرُ وَهُمْ فِي غَفْلَةٍ سورة مريم آية 39 وَهَؤُلَاءِ فِي غَفْلَةٍ أَهْلُ الدُّنْيَا وَهُمْ لا يُؤْمِنُونَ سورة مريم آية 39 .

Narrated Abu Sa`id Al-Khudri: Allah's Messenger said, On the Day of Resurrection Death will be brought forward in the shape of a black and white ram. Then a call maker will call, 'O people of Paradise!' Thereupon they will stretch their necks and look carefully. The caller will say, 'Do you know this?' They will say, 'Yes, this is Death.' By then all of them will have seen it. Then it will be announced again, 'O people of Hell !' They will stretch their necks and look carefully. The caller will say, 'Do you know this?' They will say, 'Yes, this is Death.' And by then all of them will have seen it. Then it (that ram) will be slaughtered and the caller will say, 'O people of Paradise! Eternity for you and no death O people of Hell! Eternity for you and no death. ' Then the Prophet, recited:-- 'And warn them of the Day of distress when the case has been decided, while (now) they are in a state of carelessness (i.e. the people of the world) and they do not believe.' (19.39)

Sahih Bukhari 4731

Narrated Ibn `Abbas: The Prophet said to Gabriel, What prevents you from visiting us more often than you visit us now? So there was revealed:-- 'And we (angels) descend not but by the command of your Lord. To Him belongs what is before us and..

Sahih Bukhari 4732

Narrated Khabbab: I came to Al-`Asi bin Wail As-Sahmi and demanded something which he owed me. He said, I will not give you (your money) till you disbelieve in Muhammad. I said, No, I shall not disbelieve in Muhammad till you die and then be..

Sahih Bukhari 4733

Narrated Khabbab: I was a blacksmith in Mecca Once I made a sword for Al-`Asi bin Wail As-Sahmi. When I went to demand its price, he said, I will not give it to you till you disbelieve in Muhammad. I said, I shall not disbelieve in Muhammad..

Sahih Bukhari 4734

Narrated Masruq: Khabbab said, During the pre-lslamic period, I was a blacksmith and Al-Asi bin Wail owed me a debt. So Khabbab went to him to demand the debt. He said, I will not give you (your due) till you disbelieve in Muhammad. Khabbab..

Sahih Bukhari 4735

Narrated Khabbab: I was a blacksmith and Al-Asi Bin Wail owed me a debt, so I went to him to demand it. He said to me. I will not pay you your debt till you disbelieve in Muhammad. I said, I will not disbelieve in Muhammad till you die and..

Sahih Bukhari 4736

Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger said, Adam and Moses met, and Moses said to Adam You are the one who made people miserable and turned them out of Paradise. Adam said to him, You are the one whom Allah selected for His message and..

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