Today Zawal Time in Makassar

Jul 26, 2024 (20 Muharram 1446), Today Zawal Time in Makassar starts at 11:32 AM and ends at 12:09 PM. Makrooh or sunrise in Makassar start time is 06:12 AM and end time is 06:27 AM. Check accurate Zawal time in Makassar, makrooh and sunrise time to avoid praying at this time.

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Zawal Time

Start Time: 11:32 AM

End Time: 12:09 PM

Sun Rise

Start Time: 06:12 AM

End Time: 06:27 AM

Zawal time in Makassar

Zawal time in Makassar is a time that prohibits any salah or Islamic prayers. The zawal time varies from country to country as per the sunrise and sunset. Prayer timings are given much importance in Islam. They all have specific timings that follow sunset and sunrise. All the five salah prayers are followed by sun timings.

Zawal time in Makassar ends when the Dhuhr prayer timing starts. Zawal time in Makassar starts at 11:32 AM and ends at 12:09 PM. Today, sunrise time in Makassar starts at 06:12 AM and will end at 06:27 AM. Find all the prayer timings in Makassar including salah, Zawal, and Makrooh. There are other timings to the cities in the Indonesia including Jakarta, Bandung, Bekasi, Depok, Semarang, Surabaya, Makassar, Palembang, Medan, Tangerang and many others.

Sunrise Time in Makassar
Today sunrise time in Makassar is 06:12 AM
Zawal time in Makassar
Today Zawal time in Makassar start at 11:32 AM
Zuhr Time start in Makassar
Today Makassar zuhr time starts at 12:09 PM

The zawal time is also called the middle point between the two extremes of sunrise and sunset. Zawal time is observed before and after the sun reaches its highest point. The Zuhr prayer time in Makassar starts when Zawal time in Makassar ends. The duration of Zawal time lasts from 30 to 40 minutes.

Find more about the Zawal time in Makassar as well as other Islamic prayers in Makassar. Additionally, you can find the sunrise times in Makassar for today.

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