Today Vieux habitants Sehri & Iftar Time – Ramadan Calendar 2025
On Dec 22, 2024, Today Vieux habitants Sehri time is 05:13 AM and Iftar time is 5:42 PM as per Fiqa e Hanafia, corresponding to 21 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446. For Fiqa e Jafria, Vieux habitants Sehri timing is 05:03 AM and Iftar time is 05:52 PM. Ramadan calendar 2025 Vieux habitants outlines the daily Suhoor and Iftar timings for the entire month Sehri marks the pre-dawn meal to start the fast, while Iftar signifies the meal to break the fast at sunset. Download and view complete 30 Days Ramadan timetable 2025.
Note: 1 minute preventative difference in Suhoor (-1 min) & Iftar (+1 min)
Vieux habitants
Prayer Time
Vieux habitants Ramadan Timings 2025
Ramadan 2025 in Vieux habitants is set to begin on February 28 and end on March 30 based on the sighting of the moon for precise observance, lasting 30 days of fasting, prayers, and spiritual devotion. Vieux habitants Ramadan time 2025 calendar provides accurate Sehri and Iftar timings to help Muslims observe the holy month and plan fasting timetable.
Ramadan in Vieux habitants
Vieux habitants is a city in Guadeloupe known for its rich cultural heritage and historical significance. During Ramadan, Muslims in Vieux habitants practice fasting abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs during daylight hours, and focus on prayer, charity, and good deeds. This page is your ultimate source for a comprehensive Ramadan 2025 Vieux habitants Calendar with Suhoor Time Today, Iftar Time Today, and daily updates. Ramadan Timings of 30 days for various cities are also available by country online in this section.
For Today 22 Dec, 2024: Islamic date 21 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446, Vieux habitants Ramadan Timings are as follows: Suhoor Time Today is at 05:13 am and Iftar Time Today is at 5:42 pm. According to Fiqa Jafria, Suhoor and Iftar's Timings for today are as follows: Suhoor Time Today is at 05:03 am and Iftar Time Today is at 05:52 pm. This Ramadan Calendar is a reliable source for fasting times today, specifically for Vieux habitants, and caters to all Fiqh and sect. Keep yourself informed by regularly visiting our Ramadan Timings page and maximizing the benefits of this blessed month.
When is Ramadan in Vieux habitants 2025 expected?
Ramadan in Vieux habitants 2025 is expected to begin on the evening of Saturday, 28th February. The first day of fasting or Roza is then expected to be on Sunday, 2nd March.
Today Suhoor Time Vieux habitants
According to 22 Dec, 2024, Suhoor Time Today Vieux habitants is 05:13 am.
Today Iftar Time Vieux habitants
According to 22 Dec, 2024, Iftar Time Today Vieux habitants is 5:42 pm.
Today Fasting Start and End Time
According to 22 Dec, 2024, Fasting time today Vieux habitants starts from 05:13 am and ends at 5:42 pm.
Ramadan 2025 Vieux habitants Start and End Date
This year Ramadan 2025 will be expected to start on 28 February and Ends on 30 March.
What is Today Sehri time Vieux habitants Hanafi?
Today Sehri time Vieux habitants Hanafi is 05:13 AM.
What is Today Iftar time Vieux habitants Hanafi?
Today Iftar time Vieux habitants Hanafi is 5:42 PM.
What is Today Sehri time Vieux habitants Jafria?
Today Sehri time Vieux habitants Jafria is 05:03 AM.
What is Today Iftar time Vieux habitants Jafria?
Today Iftar time Vieux habitants Jafria is 05:52 PM.
Eid Ul Fitr 2025 Vieux habitants
This year Eid ul Fitr will be expected to celebrate in Vieux habitants on 9 April 2025.
Eid ul Fitr Holidays
This year Eid ul Fitr celebration will be expected from 9 April 2025 to 11 April 2025.