Salamah said “We went out (on an expedition) with Abu Bakr. The Messenger of Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم appointed him commander over us. We attacked Fazarah and took them from all sides. I then saw a group of people which contained children and women. I shot an arrow towards them, but it fell between them and the mountain. They stood; I brought them to Abu Bakr. There was among them a woman of Fazarah. She wore a skin over her and her daughter who was the most beautiful of the Arabs was with her. Abu Bakr gave her daughter to me as a reward. I came back to Madeenah. The Messenger of Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم met me and said to me “Give me the woman, Salamah. I said to him, I swear by Allaah, she is to my liking and I have not yet untied he garment. He kept silence, and when the next day came the Messenger of Allah صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم met me in the market and said to me “Give me the woman, Salamah, by Allaah, your father. I said the Messenger of Allah, I have not yet untied her garment. I swear by Allaah, she is now yours. He sent her to the people of Makkah who had (some Muslims) prisoners in their hands. They released them for this woman.