Narrated Imran ibn Husayn: The Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم led (us) in the noon prayer, and a man came and recited behind him Glorify the name of thy Lord, the Most High (Surah 87). When he finished (the prayer), he said: Which of you recited? They (the people) said: A man (recited). He said: I knew that some one of you confused me in it (in the recitation of the Quran). Abu Dawud said: Abu al-Walid said in his version: Shubah said: I asked Qatadah: Did Saeed not say: Listen attentively to the Quran? He replied: (Yes), but that applies to prayer in which it (the Quran) is recited aloud. Ibn Kathir said in his version: I said to Qatadah: Perhaps he (the Prophet) disliked it (recitation). He said: If he had disliked it, he would have prohibited it.