Sunan An Nasai 3385

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Sunan An Nasai 3385

Chapter 26 The Book Of Marriage
Book Sunan An Nasai
Hadith No 3385
Topic Marriage

أَخْبَرَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ حُجْرٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏قَالَ:‏‏‏‏ حَدَّثَنَا شَرِيكٌ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ أَبِي إِسْحَاق، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ عَامِرِ بْنِ سَعْدٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏قَالَ:‏‏‏‏ دَخَلْتُ عَلَى قُرَظَةَ بْنِ كَعْبٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏وَأَبِي مَسْعُودٍ الْأَنْصَارِيِّ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏فِي عُرْسٍ وَإِذَا جَوَارٍ يُغَنِّينَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏فَقُلْتُ:‏‏‏‏ أَنْتُمَا صَاحِبَا رَسُولِ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ وَمِنْ أَهْلِ بَدْرٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏يُفْعَلُ هَذَا عِنْدَكُمْ ؟ فَقَالَ:‏‏‏‏ اجْلِسْ إِنْ شِئْتَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏فَاسْمَعْ مَعَنَا، ‏‏‏‏‏‏وَإِنْ شِئْتَ اذْهَبْ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏قَدْ رُخِّصَ لَنَا فِي اللَّهْوِ عِنْدَ الْعُرْسِ .

It was narrated that 'Amir bin Sa'd said: I entered upon Qurazah bin Ka'b and Abu Mas'ud Al-Ansari during a wedding and there were some young girls singing. I said: 'You are two of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah who were present at Badr, and this is being done in your presence!' They said: 'Sit down if you want and listen with us, or if you want you can go away. We were granted a concession allowing entertainment at weddings.'

Sunan An Nasai 3386

It was narrated that 'Ali, may Allah be pleased with him, said: The Messenger of Allah fitted out Fatimah with a velvet dress, a water-skin and a pillow stuffed with Idhkhar. ..

Sunan An Nasai 3387

It was narrated from Jabir bin 'Abdullah that the Messenger of Allah said: A bed for a man, a bed for his wife, a third for his guest and the fourth is for the Shaitan. ..

Sunan An Nasai 3388

It was narrated that Jabir said: The Messenger of Allah said to me: 'Have you got married?' I said: 'Yes.' He said: 'Have you got any Anmat?' I said: 'How can we afford Anmat?' He said: 'You will be able to.' ..

Sunan An Nasai 3389

It was narrated from Al-Ja'd bin Abi 'Uthman, that Anas bin Malik said: The Messenger of Allah got married and consummated the marriage with his wife. He said: My mother Umm Sulaim made some Hais, and I brought it to the Messenger of Allah and..

Sunan An Nasai 3390

It was narrated from Humaid At-Tawil that he heard Anas say: The Messenger of Allah established the bond of brotherhood between (some of) the Quraish and (some of) the Ansar, and he established the bond of brotherhood between Sa'd bin Ar-Rabi'..

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