Sunan An Nasai 4259

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Sunan An Nasai 4259

Chapter 42 The Book Of Al-Fara' And Al-'Atirah
Book Sunan An Nasai
Hadith No 4259
Topic Al-Fara And Al-Atirah

أَخْبَرَنِي عَمْرُو بْنُ عُثْمَانَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏قَالَ:‏‏‏‏ حَدَّثَنَا بَقِيَّةُ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ بَحِيرٍ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنْ خَالِدِ بْنِ مَعْدَانَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏عَنِ الْمِقْدَامِ بْنِ مَعْدِي كَرِبَ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏قَالَ:‏‏‏‏ نَهَى رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ عَنِ الْحَرِيرِ وَالذَّهَبِ، ‏‏‏‏‏‏وَمَيَاثِرِ النُّمُورِ .

It was narrated that Al-Miqdam bin Ma di Karib said: The Messenger of Allah forbade silk, gold and saddlecloths (Miyathir) made of leopard skin.

Sunan An Nasai 4260

It was narrated that Khalid said: Al-Miqdam bi8n Ma di Karib came to visit Mu awiyah and said to him: I adjure you by Allah, do you know that the messenger of Allah forbade wearing the Hides of predators and riding on them? He said: 'yes. ..

Sunan An Nasai 4261

It was narraterd from Jabir bin 'Abdullah that, during the year of the Conquest, while he was in Makkah, he heard the Messenger of Allah say: Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, and His Messenger have forbidden the sale of alcohol, dead meat, pigs and..

Sunan An Nasai 4262

It was narrated that Ibn'Abbas said: It reached 'Umar that Samurah had sold some wine, and he said: 'May Allah ruin Samurah! Does he not know that the Messenger of Allah said: May Allah curse the Jews, for animal fat was forbidden to them, but..

Sunan An Nasai 4263

It was narrated from Ibn 'Abbas, form Maimunah, that: a mouse fell into some cooking fat and died. The Prophet was asked (about that) and he said: Throw it away, and whatever is around it, and eat (the rest). ..

Sunan An Nasai 4264

It was narrated from Ibn' Abbas, from Maimunah, that: the Prophet was asked about a mouse that had fallen into some solid cooking fat. He said. Take it, and whatever is around it, and throw it away. ..

Sunan An Nasai 4265

Reference : Sunan an-Nasa'i 4259 In-book reference : Book 41, Hadith 38 English translation : Vol. 5, Book 41, Hadith 4264 ..

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