Rulings and problems of Mazarat (Giving land for sowing) Hadith

The Rulings and problems of Mazarat (Giving land for sowing) Hadith in Sunan An Nasai is found in Chapter 37, The Book of Rulings and problems of Mazarat (Giving land for sowing), which contains 83 hadiths focusing on the first divine messages received by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). This collection, compiled by Imam An-Nasai, includes a total of 57 chapters and 83 hadiths. The Rulings and problems of Mazarat (Giving land for sowing) Hadith provides key insights into the beginning of the Quran’s revelation.

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Chapter Name The Book Of Mazara'h
Book Name Sunan An Nasai
Writer Imam An-Nasai
Chapter Number 37
Total Hadith 83
Translation English, Arabic
Topic Rulings and problems of Mazarat (Giving land for sowing)
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Sunan An Nasai 3888

It was narrated that Abu Sa'eed said: When you hire a worker, tell him what his wages will be. ..

Sunan An Nasai 3889

It was narrated from Al-Hasan that he disliked to hire a man without telling him what his wages would be. ..

Sunan An Nasai 3890

It was narrated from Hammad -Ibn Abi Sulaiman- that he was asked about a man who hired a worker in return for food and he said: No, not until he tells him (what his wages will be). ..

Sunan An Nasai 3891

It was narrated from Hammad and Qatadah, concerning a man who said to another man: I will lease (something) from you until I reach Makkah for such and such a payment, and if I travel for a month or such and such -something that he named- I will..

Sunan An Nasai 3892

It was narrated that Ibn Juraij said: I said to 'Ata': 'What if I hire a slave for a year in return for his food, and for another year, in return for such and such?' He said: 'There is nothing wrong with that, and you may stipulate your..

Sunan An Nasai 3893

It was narrated from Usaid bin Zuhair that he went out to his people, Banu Harithah, and said: O Banu Harithah, a calamity has befallen you. They said: What is it? He said: The Messenger of Allah has forbidden leasing land. We said: O..

Sunan An Nasai 3894

It was narrated that Usaid bin Zuhair said: Rafi' bin Khadij came to us and said: 'The Messenger of Allah has forbidden for you Al-Haql. Al-Haql is the third and the fourth. And Al-Muzabanah. Al-Muzabanah is to buy what is at the top of the..

Sunan An Nasai 3895

It was narrated that Usaid bin Zuhair said: Rafi' bin Khadij came to us and said: 'The Messenger of Allah has forbidden something that was beneficial for us, but obedience to the Messenger of Allah is better for you. He has forbidden Al-Haql..

Sunan An Nasai 3896

It was narrated that Usaid bin Zuhair said: Rafi' bin Khadij came to us and I was not sure what he meant. He said: 'The Messenger of Allah has forbidden to you something that used to benefit you, but obedience to the Messenger of Allah is better..

Sunan An Nasai 3897

Usaid bin Rafi' bin Khadij said: Rafi' bin Khadij said: 'The Messenger of Allah has forbidden something for you that used to be beneficial for us, but obedience to the Messenger of Allah is more beneficial for us. He said: Whoever has land let..

Sunan An Nasai 3898

It was narrated that Mujahid said: I took Tawus by the hand and brought him to Ibn Rafi' bin Khadij, and he told him, narrating from his father, that the Messenger of Allah forbade leasing land. Tawus rejected that and said: 'I heard Ibn 'Abbas..

Sunan An Nasai 3899

(The previously mentioned chain) from Mujahid who said: Rafi' bin Khadij said: 'The Messenger of Allah forbade us to do something that was beneficial for us, (but we respect and obey the command of the Messenger of Allah). He forbade us to lease..

Sunan An Nasai 3900

It was narrated that Rafi' bin Khadij said: The Prophet passed by the land of a man from among the Ansar who he knew was in need and said: 'Whose is this land?' He said: 'So and so's; he has given it to us in return for rent.' He said: 'Why did..

Sunan An Nasai 3901

It was narrated that Rafi' bin Khadij said: The Messenger of Allah forbade Al-Haql (renting land in return for one-third or one-quarter of the produce). ..

Sunan An Nasai 3902

Rafi' bin Khadij said: The Messenger of Allah came out to us and forbade something for us that had been beneficial for us. He said: 'Whoever has land, let him cultivate it or give it to someone else (to cultivate), or leave it.' ..

Sunan An Nasai 3903

It was narrated from Tawus and Mujahid, that Rafi' bin Khadij said: The Messenger of Allah came out to us and forbade something for us that had been beneficial for us, but the command of Messenger of Allah is better for us. He said: 'Whoever has..

Sunan An Nasai 3904

It was narrated that 'Amr bin Dinar said: Tawus regarded it disliked renting out land for gold and silver, but he did not see anything wrong with leasing it in return for one-third or one-quarter (of the yield). Mujahid said to him: 'Go to Ibn..

Sunan An Nasai 3905

It was narrated from 'Ata' from Jabir, that the Messenger of Allah said: Whoever has land, let him cultivate it. If he is unable to cultivate it, let him give it to his Muslim brother and not share-crop it with him. ..

Sunan An Nasai 3906

Jabir said: The Messenger of Allah said: Whoever has land, let him cultivate it or give it to his brother, and not lease it to him. ..

Sunan An Nasai 3907

It was narrated that Jabir said: Some people had some extra land which they leased out in return for half of the yield, or one-third, or one-quarter. The Messenger of Allah said: 'Whoever has land, let him cultivate it, or give it to his brother..


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